Planning & Zoning

Zoning and Building in the Village

Are you looking to build a new garage, shed, or erect a new fence? Perhaps you're building that dream house or the pool for the kids? Maybe a new deck? Or maybe you're looking to build something else? In order to assist you in the beginning of your project, we encourage you to take the following steps before you start:

1. Take a look at the Village's Zoning Ordinance. Make sure that you know where pools, sheds, fences, garages, etc can, and cannot be placed on your property within the Village. The Zoning Ordinance can be found by clicking here.

2. Speak with our Zoning Administrator, Jeanne Vandersloot, and have your questions answered.

3. Fill out any and all required permits and submit them back to either the Village of Ionia County Building Department, and wait for approval before you proceed.

Prior to any sort of construction within the village limits, a zoning permit application needs to be completed (please find a downloadable application on the right-hand side of this screen).  The Village Zoning Administrator, Jeanne Vandersloot, will review the application and provide an approval or denial.  A copy of the approved zoning permit application will be available to the applicant.  You will need a copy of this approved zoning permit if your construction requires approval through the Ionia County Building Department.

PLEASE NOTE that zoning permits are required for the following:  New House, House Alteration, House Addition, Deck, Pool, Sign, Building Move, Demolition, Garage/Carport, Storage Building, Foundation, Fence, etc. 

If a zoning permit application is denied, the applicant can file a Zoning Board of Appeals Application.  A $100.00 non-refundable fee must accompany this application for mailing notifications, publications incurred.  A public hearing will be scheduled with the Lake Odessa Zoning Board of Appeals.  The application must be approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to commencement of construction, excavation or use regulated by the Lake Odessa zoning ordinance.   

For more information on Zoning in the Village of Lake Odessa, please cont the Zoning Administrator, Jeanne Vandersloot, at (616) 897-4242 or by email at The Ionia County Building Department can be reached at (616) 527-5374. You may also visit their website by clicking here.